St. Dominique Fells

Dominique Fells (July 30, 1992 - June 8, 2020) was a transgender woman who was murdered in Philadelphia, PA. She was the 15th transgender person known to be killed that year at the time of her death, which occurred on the same day as Riah Milton. Fells was born in Selinsgrove Borough in central Pennsylvania, before moving to Philadelphia.

On November 9, 2020, Akhenaton Jones was arrested for Fells’s murder in Los Angeles, after which he was extradited to Pennsylvania to sit for trial. In June 2021, he was convicted of third-degree murder and sentenced to at least 20 years in prison.

Her father described her as “… a person who could light up a room even when she was being quiet… The one thing that stood out about her is she did her own thing with confidence, which as a family we all embraced.”

Blessed be her name


St. Melvin Dixon


St. Aimee Stephenes